| RO Circular-9: Results of Elections for Governing Body of Ardee City RWA
by General Secretary on September 22, 2023, 4:30 pm in Circulars for Members Dear member residents Attached please find a scanend copy of results of elections for Governing Body of Ardee City RWA as received vide circular 9 from returning officer RO for your persual The same is sent to the office of - Read Full |
 | RO Circular-8: - Nominations for Various Posts of Governing Body (Revised)
by General Secretary on September 22, 2023, 4:24 pm in Circulars for Members Dear member residents Attached please find a scanend copy of the nominations as received vide circular 8 Revised from RO for elections to various posts of Governing Body of Ardee City RWA for your perusal regards Nihal S Mandhotra General - Read Full |
 | RO Circular-8: - List of nominations from Various Posts of Governing Body of RWA
by General Secretary on September 21, 2023, 4:43 pm in Circulars for Members Dear member residents Attached please find a scanned copy of the list of nominations received for elections to various posts of Governing Body GB of Ardee City RWA vide circular 8 from Returning Officer RO nbsp Regards Nihal Mandhotra General - Read Full |
 | RO Circular-7: Result of Collegium Elections dated 17.9.2023
by General Secretary on September 17, 2023, 10:41 pm in Circulars for Members Dear member residents Attached please find a scanned copy of the results of collegium elections as received vide circular 7 from returning officer RO for your persual and next steps as per the details contained therein Regards Nihal Mandhotra General - Read Full |
 | Election Circular-6 by Returning Officer (RO) for RWA Elections
by General Secretary on September 16, 2023, 9:04 pm in Circulars for Members Dear members residents Attached please find a scanned copy of circular 6 as received from returning officer RO in respect of RWA elections for your persual and next steps as detailed therein The same has been sent to the office - Read Full |
 | Final list of nominations for collegium elections post withdrawal date
by General Secretary on September 13, 2023, 8:39 pm in Circulars for Members Dear members residents Please find attached election final list of nominations as received by RO after date of nomination withdrawl Regards Nihal S Mandhotra General Secretary Mob 98 101 99267 - Read Full |
 | RO Circular - Nominations received for Collegiums Elections by closure date
by General Secretary on September 11, 2023, 7:36 pm in Circulars for Members Dear members residents Please be informed that today i e 11 9 2023 was the due date for filing nominations for nbsp collegium elections Attached please find a scanned copy a list of nominations as received from the returning officer - Read Full |
 | Election Circular by Returning Officer (RO) for Collegium Elections - repeat
by General Secretary on September 7, 2023, 8:47 am in Circulars for Members Dear member residents Attached please find a scanned copy of circular 3 by RO for collegium elections for your perusal and next steps as detailed therein The circular is also also put on RWA office notice board For some technical - Read Full |
 | Circular by RO for Collegium Elections
by General Secretary on September 6, 2023, 9:12 pm in Circulars for Members Dear member residents Attached please find a scanned copy of circular 3 by RO for collegium elections for your perusal and next steps as detailed therein The circular will be posted on RWA office notice board regards Nihal S Mandhotra - Read Full |
 | Final list of Eligible Voters and List of Voters Collegium-wise
by General Secretary on September 6, 2023, 7:16 pm in Circulars for Members Dear members Attached please find final list of eligible voters and the final list of voters collegium wise 39 is available after having considered inputs received up to 05 Sep 2023 the due date for verification of details The links - Read Full |