Ref No: Elections 2020 – 03 Date: 27.09.2020
Dear Residents,
Sub: Results of Collegium Elections for Ardee City Resident Welfare Association (RWA) – reg
Subsequent to issue of letter Ref No. Elections 2020-02 dated 23.09.20 regarding elections for the Ardee City RWA. The elections were held as per schedule for 2 collegiums (i.e Collegium No. 30 & 38) on 27.09.20 from 08:30 Hrs to 13:30 Hrs in the RWA Office located at D11/18, Basement, Ardee City, Gurugram.
The candidates elected from collegium no. 30 and 38 are Shri. Suman Kapur and Shri C. S. Charlu respectively in the said elections.
The collegium representatives elected either unopposed or through elections will elect the Governing Body (GB) comprising of one each for the post of the President, Vice-President, Gen. Secretary, Jt. Secretary and Treasurer and five Executive Members as per the schedule mentioned below.
- Submission of Nominations on 3O.09.2O (Wednesday) from 09:O0 Hrs to 12:O0 Hrs. and from 14:OO Hrs to 17:O0 Hrs.
- Withdrawal of Nominations on 02.10.20 (Friday) from O9:O0 Hrs. to 11:OO Hrs and 17:OO Hrs. to 19:00 Hrs.
- Elections for the Governing Body posts on O4.1O.2O (Sunday), from O8:3O Hrs to 13:3O Hrs.
- Declaration of Results of GB on O4.10.2O (Sunday), at 17:O0 Hrs.
Copy to:
- The District Registrar for information please.