Dear residents,
Thanks to all those who took time and verifed their memberhsip details and pointed out corrections, if required. Please be informed that all the inputs received have already been considered,if feasible. The latest lists are on the rwa website ( and also available on the RWA office.
This is to further remind that today i.e. 10.9.2020 is the due date for verifications of details by members. Changes,if any, in details would be enetrtained until mid night 10.8.2020 only. No changes would be possible past the due date. Therefore, kindly check the lists uploaded for correctness of details.Tomorrow i.e. 11.9.2020, RWA will hand over the final lists to the Returning Officer for next steps as per the election process.
Warm regards,
Nihal S Mandhotra
General Secretary, Ardee City RWA
Ph: +91 9810199267