Maintenance  Meeting between Ardee RWA & Ardee Management
Date : Wednesday, October 09, 2013
Attendees: Mr T.N. Kaul  & Mr Vikram Saluja (RWA)
Mrs Shibani Kapoor, Mr Anil Asija , Mr Dhir  ( Ardee Management)
Agenda Points to be discussed:
1. Formation of Committee with members from RWA & Ardee Management
2. Status on Road construction
a. Dates & Current status
b. Prioritizing the Roads
c. Better Drainage for longer life of roads
3. Steps in Security Arrangements
a. Check Points
b. Enhancement of Guards
c. Deployment of existing & enhanced guards.
d. Passes & police registration
e. Stickers for residents & internal villagers.
f. Pending Fencing ,walls and Gates
4. Cleanliness Drive
c. Construction materials and debris
5. Sewage system & Drainage
6. Construction of wall in Front of E block.
7. Complaint Centre/ complaint process.
Minutes of the Meeting
1. Formation of committee
a. RWA Members: Â Mr T N Kaul, Vikram Saluja & Sumesh Narang. (either of two)
b. Ardee members : Mrs Shibani Kapoor, Mr Anil Asija , Mr Dhir
2. Status on Road construction
a. Road Repair will start from 15th October, contract & approval for the same is done.
b. First priority for road repair/construction will of circular road which is as follows
i. Gate 1 to Gate 3 via complaint office to park.
ii. Gate 3 to Gate 4 via satish general store.
iii. Gate 4 to E block gate.
iv. E block gate to B block via outer lane covering B116-B127 and ends till Ardee mart.
c. Second priority lane roads & third will surfacing of all roads.
d. Road repair work will keep increasing as per accumulation of the funds.
e. Drainage of work along road will be done simultaneously along road repair.
3.Steps in Security Arrangements
a. Number of proposals discussed & will continue discussion in coming week.
b. Security system will have 5 gates open in Day & two gates in night.
c. Vehicle & visitor details will be registered on the gates. Residents / internal villagers with stickers will not be stopped
d. Stickers for residents & internal villagers  will be issued by RWA on submit ion of vehicle & residence proofs. As per police deppt instruction. Work on the same will start soon.
e. ID cards for all workers will be issued by RWA in association with Hamari Suraksha as per there charges. Work on the same will start next week. HS Portal for same getting setup in RWA office
f. Work on pending fencing & gates will be carried by Ardee.
g. Deployment of guards will be decided in next week’s meeting with inputs form security agency & Police deppt.
h. Enhancement of guards will happen for December onwards & final dates will be decided in November meeting.
4. Cleanliness Drive
a. Weekly calendar is been prepared by ardee & will be shared with residents in next week.
b. Empty Plots will be cleaned on every Sunday, one block every week & schedule for same will be share along point above.
c. Ardee Mgmt will take Security deposit from builder/residents building new house & will insist to have construction material on empty plots only.
d. Penalty will be imposed on the house putting debris on road or empty plots.
5. Sewage system & Drainage
a. Cleanliness of sewage is already under process & will continue as regular practice.
b. Request resident to put complaint if have any issue related it.
6. Construction of wall on ardee plot outside E block.
a. Approval for same is done & work will start soon.
7. Complaint Centre/ complaint process.
a. New process is being introduced for every complaint, one complaint number will be issued & request resident to have same. Â Every complaint will be categories as short response or long response. Short response complaints will be addressed in maximum 24hrs. & long response will be addressed based on the material & other items availability.
b. Escalation points is being  set as Mr Rawat for electricity & Mr Vikas for other items. Number shared below. Random check will be done by ardee for completion of the complaints.
8. Street lights have been repaired & if resident found any non-working of lights they can put complaint in complaint center. Or complain Mr Rawat.
9. Trimming of Trees/plants is in progress
Numbers of escalation points electricity/ street lights Mr Rawat: 8802623697
Other repairs etc : Â Mr Vikas : 9811461450
House keeping : Mr Raisul : 9999226936
Security : Mr Malik 8375896340,09467320482,9999637277