Communique Dec 2, 2014
- Good news: In the latest electricity bill, overcharged amount of previous month bill is being adjusted by Ardee Management after the sustained efforts of RWA.
- An Open House Meet of Ardee City was held on the 1st of December, 2014. Over 70 persons were present. The members freely expressed their views, raised various questions, which were answered to their satisfaction. The meeting concluded happily and everybody went satisfied.
- The Governing Body got a clear YES on whether to continue the ESCROW Account or not. The members really welcomed the Governing Body's initiative to accept the cheques for electricity bills as well from those depositing the Maintenance cheques in the Escrow Account. The Escrow A/C cheques would be acknowledged as “Received for Escrow Account”. The counterfoils of electricity bills would be returned to the members after the same have been receipted at the Ardee Office. A separate register will be maintained for electricity cheques. The members are requested to please deposit cheques under the Escrow Scheme in ever-increasing number.
- A member suggested that we may try to get separate bill for water consumption, which, like electricity, can be paid independently. Another member suggested that more life-members should be enrolled on payment of Rs.1100/- This suggestion received considerable support at the meeting. It was made clear that it would require the approval of the Collegium before being implemented.
- The meeting was briefly apprised about the outcome of the meeting with the Advocate at Chandigarh on the 29th November, 2014.
- At the instance of the Cultural Initiative of the RWA, a SWACHH ARDEE Abhiyan is going to be launched on the 7th instant, starting from Gate No.3. This would be a continuing programme and would be observed every Sunday. I am sure the efforts of the Cultural Initiative will bring in good results and will act as a catalyst for more such bright ideas.
Best wishes and regards: M.M. Arora, RWA: 9818779796.