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RWA Update on Actions 16-Dec-2014 |
P. Srinivasan on December 16, 2014, 7:44 pm in Latest News |
Communique: Dec 16 2014
- The RWA (Shri Arun Kumar Sharma) attended the court of the District Consumer Forum on Dec. 12, 2014, along with the Advocate, to press for our application, along with the proof of threatening letters being issued by the Ardee Management. The O.P. (Ardee Management) also attended. They stated that they were not holding any threats, even in the face of the letters produced before the court. Still the Court admonished that the parties should not have to appear before them again on the point that residents are being harassed, by accepting the electricity bills and holding no threats for disconnection of electricity/water connections. The next dates of hearing are the 16th January and 25th February, 2014. The RWA will continue to pursue the matters earnestly in the interest of the welfare of the residents.
- As residents are aware, the Ardee Management has agreed to restore the 12% admn. Charges on the element of additionally in the electricity bill, which stands already restored. This amount totals to about Rs.1.20 lakhs.
- Another case taking up time relates to the resignation of Shri Romesh Kumar Gupta, especially since the last hearing held on Dec. 9, 2014, attended jointly by the President and the General Secretary, with next date of hearing fixed for the 16th Decembe3r, 2014, at 3.00 p.m. In the office of the District Registrar, Firms & Societies, Gurgaon. A draft of a note proposed to be presented on the next hearing has been circulated amongst members of the Governing Body, for consultation before finalisation, with the request to please convey their output, if any, preferably on 'phone. I am specially requesting S/Shri Sharad Sharma, Sandeep Gupta and Arun Kumar Sharma, to make special efforts to spare the time to attend the hearing.
- The second edition Swachh Ardee Abhiyaan has been successfully completed on Saturday the 13th December, 2014. It is a continuing activity on the part of the RWA Cultural Initiative and will continue in future. Let us wish every event of theirs' a grand success.
- On Monday the 15th December, at 3.00 p.m. The General Secretary attended a meeting with the Senior Town Planner, to review the progress made in the issue of occupation certificates. Quite a few more residents and representatives of the concerned builders in all 14 persons attended the meeting. After review, at our request the Senior Town Planner agreed to make available a copy of any O.C issued to the individual allottees also. He was even prepared to hand over the O.Cs to the RWA for onward transmission to the allottees. It was also decided that to clear the pending cases, a group consisting of the builders and the RWA would visits the remaining residents to expedite the paper work. The group would be carrying with the papers to show details of violations if any to clear any doubts in their minds and to carry the process forward.
- Tomorrow, there will be a meeting at 3.00 p.m. With the District Registrar, Firms & Societies, regarding the case of resignation by Shri Romesh Kumar Gupta and we shall watch its results.
- A meeting was held on Monday the 15th December, 2014, in the office of the Senior Town Planner, Gurgaon, to review the progress in the issue of the Occupation Certificates. M/s. Ardee Infrastructure, M/s. Cosmos , M/s. Creative and some residents of Ardee City, besides the General Secretary RWA, attended this meeting. The STP reiterated the orders of the Government to abide by the order of the Hon. High Court on the subject. At the request of the residents, the STP agreed to make available a copy of the Occupation Certificate to the individual allottee who produces his proper I.D. Proof. In addition, they will also put up on their notice board, as soon as a new O.C. Is Issued. The RWA offered that one of their representative, along with the builder concerned, will be prepared to help him in contacting the allottee personally to persuade him to come forward with his papers/dues for issue of the Occupation certificate, if the representative carries with him documents containing details of violations, if any, to the satisfaction of the allottee. The STP even offered to hold a camp in Ardee City to deal with the remaining cases for issue of O.Cs on the spot, if possible. In the presence of the full meeting, the STP made it clear that once a demand letter is issued by his office, the payment of the amount demanded is the
- responsibility of the builder to whom the demand is addressed. The RWA requests that the residents should take benefit of this helpful attitude of the STP.
With best wishes and regards. RWA: MMArora: 9818779796.
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Some Important Details
Security Officer: 9555938468 (Day)
Security Officer: 8010495599 (Night)
Complaint Room: 2385377
Ardee Office: 2386133 |
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