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RWA Update on Actions 28-Oct-2014 |
P. Srinivasan on October 28, 2014, 7:50 pm in Latest News |
Communiqué: 28.10.014.
- The RWA is grappling with two twin problems relating to payment of maintenance bills and the electricity bills. Regarding the first, court proceedings are in progress and the next date of hearing is 15th February 2015, and for which an ESCROW Account has been opened in which all the cheques received so far have been deposited. Regarding the second, i.e. electricity bills, the RWA is watching if Ardee Management accepts these bills without insisting on payment of maintenance bills to them or not. If not, which would be against the court verdict as well as the statement of the Vice President, Ardee Infrastructure in the office of the ACP Sushant Lok, Gurgaon, on the subject, it is planned to inform the Police accordingly and seek their direction to the Ardee Management not to resort to such coercive and unhealthy steps amounting to black-mail and accept the electricity bills without any obstruction. This would be followed by the RWA members accompanied by the residents going to the Ardee Office and tender the payments on the 4th or 6th of November 2014. The Commissioner of Police would also be requested to depute a police officer, so that the process takes place peacefully. This course of action would need maximum support from the residents. They are hereby requested to please extend the same whole-heartedly.
- It is proposed to initiate the process of electing collegium members, from collegium Nos3 (flats B-28 to 37), 4 (flats B-38 to B-40) and (flats B-50 to B-53), 6 (flats B-54 to B-64), 10 (flats B-87 to B-104), 25 (flats D-14/2 to 9), 27 (D-14/16 to 138), 32 (fats D-15/2 to 9), 33 (flats D-15/10 to 14A), 43 (flats C-13/7 to 15), 44 (flats C-13/24 to 31) and 56 (flats C-40A, 35A, 36A, 41A, 42, 44, 45, 46). The flat numbers are only indicative. For this purpose, individual letters addressed to residents of the flats in question – floor-wise are also being issued. In the meantime, the various residents of the different floors in these flats are requested to please make up their mind about the candidate they would like to represent them in the General Body (Collegium) meetings. In cases where there is only one candidate, it may not be necessary to conduct election for that collegium, which will then take place in respect of other remaining collegiums only. In the meantime, we are finalising the person who would complete the entire process to the satisfaction of the District Registrar, Firms & Societies, who would also be requested to depute an officer to supervise the elections, if he so considers, for which he would be given full details of the programme, etc.
- A separate comprehensive circular addressed to all residents is also separately under issue/circulation. This is self-explanatory and calls for enlightened action on the part of all of us to make Ardee City a better place to live.
- Recently, we have addressed separate communications to the Management on the subjects of installing CCTV cameras, problem of not cleaning certain streets in Ardee City, the payment of maintenance/electricity bills payable in November, 2014.
Hoping that the efforts bring forth some fruitful result and closing with best regards: RWA:9818779796.
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Some Important Details
Security Officer: 9555938468 (Day)
Security Officer: 8010495599 (Night)
Complaint Room: 2385377
Ardee Office: 2386133 |
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