| Cat struck in C94 Ground floor by Renu Kunwar W/o Rakesh Kunwar on May 8, 2014, 7:06 pm in Members Discussion Hi nbsp One cat is struck at the ground floor of HNO C 94 from last two days and she is now very week The ground floor is locked and hence she cannot be rescued I tried multiple ways but - Read Full |
| Broken Swing in Central Park by Sushant Ambardar/Rajni Ambardar on May 6, 2014, 12:52 pm in Members Discussion Dear Resident For the past two years I had been watching the broken swing in Central Park so many chindren play their alongwith parents but the lack of this swing always reminded me of my grand daugher whom I regularly - Read Full |
| Water Problems in Ardee City... by Sanjay Singh Negi on May 4, 2014, 9:06 pm in Members Discussion In summers water consumption by residents increases as desert coolers are switched on so need for water increases by 15 to 20 But the supply of water remains the same throughout the year The right solution is to increase the - Read Full |
| Road construction in C block by Ekta Jain on April 18, 2014, 3:38 pm in Members Discussion Hi I have just come to know that the ongoing road carpeting in the C block starting from Ardee mart will be re carpeted till the end of road near Transformer the road will be not laid from there onwards - Read Full |
| Neglected Lanes C 33-39 by Sunil Bhatia on April 17, 2014, 3:58 pm in Members Discussion Lanes C 33 39 opposite open ground Safal store we were promised many times that this area would get gated closed There is only 1 guard who looks after the lane connecting next from Ardee Mart to C 39 and - Read Full |
| To RWA GB - Issue raised by residents of Collegium15 by Ravi Tandon on April 17, 2014, 8:43 am in Members Discussion To RWA GB Members nbsp nbsp We had a meeting with resident of collegiums 15 resident have raised few issues we have short listed top four priority items which needs to be addressed Pls do take a note and share - Read Full |
| Repair of roads by Usha Dhupar on April 16, 2014, 5:28 pm in Members Discussion nbsp It is a matter of joy that the balance work of road repair has been taken on hand Who will the nbsp responsibility of the 1st phase of road repair Will it again will be repaired RWA will - Read Full |
| LOST Lanes in Ardee City D Block by Deepesh Rastogi on April 15, 2014, 1:29 pm in Members Discussion There are no roads built by Ardee there are no footpaths there is no drainage system in this area there is no nearby park most people use Artmis road Lanes D 10 9 2 near open gate paid full 1685 - Read Full |
| Power of RWA .. If utilised by Pooja Saxena/Sumit Saxena on April 12, 2014, 9:56 am in Members Discussion In today 39 s newspaper headlines we see the power of RWA Raze Noida Twin Towers HC Orders Supertech and a picture of the RWA members who petitioned the HC If that RWA had the courage to take up a - Read Full |
| April 10 - LS Poll voting booth? by Saurabh Agarwal on April 7, 2014, 11:47 am in Members Discussion Hi Neither government nor any other responsible body had issued notification for the set up of poll booth in or near Ardee City nbsp I recall in 2009 the booth was set up inside Ardee City premises and name slips - Read Full |